Arrival (2016) Digital Timeline
Feb. 2022- Apr. 2022
The objective of this project was to communicate a story via a web-based digital experience. Using Figma, I was tasked to express Arrival (2016) directed by Denis Villeneuve through an interactive prototype.

Arrival proved to be a difficult film to prototype— translating the film's nonlinear structure to a prototyping format meant visually representing ambiguous and philosophical themes. The story unfolds within the stereotypical science fiction backdrop of "alien invasion", yet its subversion lies within its poignant narrative rich with themes of determinism, time, language, humanity, choice, and loss.

Thus, I sought out to capture Arrival's nonlinearity through the presentation and interaction with the prototyped elements. As users reach the end, the prototype restarts; there is no defined ending or beginning, mirroring the cyclical nature of the protagonist's journey.
Using Procreate, I drew 20+ frames from key moments in the film. The limited palette matches the colour grading, while the watercolour brushes and looser strokes are reminiscent of the Heptapods' (the film's extraterrestrials) language.

Upon completing the drawings, they were image traced in Illustrator as Arrival's cinematic sci-fi atmosphere is deserving of a sharper, more defined visual style. 

Figma prototype (best viewed on desktop):
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